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September 2022 - Other Bike, Radium, Good Bye Calgary Hello Kamloops...sort of...

In this month I flew back to YYC, rode my "other" bike out to Radium for a good weekend with friends, enjoyed Kent's Poi show, said Goodbye to Calgary sort of and landed in Kamloops for work.  And of course the usual leisure activities.

Left my bike and flew back to Calgary to spend the month tidying up and saying goodbye.  Plan was to get out to the field at some point so for that reason I left Blue Demon in Victoria with Brian and Dallas to be grabbed in October when I was ready to go South. Thanks guys.

Still masked up at Airports...

Over the inland passage Vic to Vancouver

Mt Rainer

Forrest fires from the air

First time ever seeing that in my life

About mid month Kev and Shawna invited me out to Radium to check out their cabin and get a round of golf in.  Surprise Antique Car Show too.  Action packed 36 hours.

Yep, golf clubs on the bike "Stryker"

A Volvo that looks like a Pinto design Ford likely
stole and made uglier and way more explosive

Nice cabin.

Packed messy and light for 36 hours

Saturday in Radium full of action.  Cars, golf, drinks, steaks.

Popping yellow

Scooby Doo

1940s I'm guessing




19...uglies Caddy. Where the
term boat came from. Why this?

1969 still with Rebel decal

2010 Golf cart

Good times with Kev

Copper Point, amazing

All 4 on the green!

Ride home with working camera. Highway 93 is very nice.  C4R8/9T3V8

Poi in the backyard presented by Kent.  He's getting good and his new "cool as" led sticks are a trip.

Matt enamored, me too little buddy
Night shooting with phone cameras makes it
tricky to catch the light show well though. 

Off to the Field sort of...My new home in Kamloops, BC for the next weeks...Sort of...Will talk about that more next month.  

Bye for a while Calgary

So lovely

Crushed.  Still good right?

Down town by the tracks

Work and Popcorn with spoon
chopsticks would be better

$0.79 is the deal price for
something that used to be 
FREE in the 80's!

Other Stuff

This little piggy has an apple!

At "Come from Away" with
Mom, Phyllis, Lawrence

Should be 2 max 3 from here
or 5 shots!

Interesting isle

This one turned out well

Getting later quicker, last sail of the year

Shhh, I'm trying to tee off
Worst wrapped from Sportchek

Best wrapped how they present paying a fine
"Your order summary". I didn't buy anything!

Repairs and Renos

Some blocks cracked so grab
a bunch of used ones


may not have been cleaned 
since 1960s?

Yikes.  But now working well
Old stuff "built to last!"

Last call at Pinbar with my very good friends Chris and Nate.

Horrible packing Amazon...
Wait for it...

Yes...that's right.  3 watch batteries in a shoe box

Continuing to down size.  Everything stuffed in to my little office.

Watch the place while I'm gone
little buddy

Not a lot of floor space