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May 2014 - Home and Hand Made Creativity in Argentina

May 2014 - I continued to get back on my feet going to Physio Therapy 3 days a week and having In House Therapy 1 day a week.  The NHL Playoffs continued in to the later rounds as I shifted my schedule to fit the good games in.  And more interesting points of life in Buenos Aires.  Some partying to be sure helping me cope with the sadness of leaving Argentina again.

Quick tidbits:
  • Argentina Government in a continuing attempt to control USD buying and selling no longer allows foreigners to buy flight tickets in CASH.  WTF!!!  It's a long story about Nationalisation and Buying Oil needing USD to do so.  Perhaps I'll get in to that another time.
  • Sitting in traffic, if a car tire drives over your foot the initial thought is ... Oh no... but it doesn't hurt!

FUNNY Electric Therapy!  During physio treatment my leg was set in a 90 degree with a wedge to help alleviate lower back pain.  Hilarious and painful all wrapped in to one with me yelling in spanish too!
Homemade ankle weights from
motorcycle brake pads

Briganti shoes.  What can I buy in Argentina and bring back to Canada???  How about genuine hand made leather shoes!  Nice.    So good I may just start an importing company...

One of many shelves to peruse

The Sales girl wanted to see my
Canadian Bike.  Friendly people.

All this for 1/4 the price of Canada
More creativity in BA.

Tight parking, good thing I got out before Sole parked.

That's how you set 4 flavours of
Helado (Ice Cream)

Script writing

Trying to make a bar of soap out of old soap...hmmm

5 bottle caps get you a free beer?

Even microwave popcorn needs a good chef

Street made Art

Building is finally coming together

I wonder how many people are buried in the concrete

Another Martin Cocina painting

Home made laundry racks

Or this could be an exercise bike.
It's all in the way you look at it.

Burn your eyebrows off Pub Crawl!  Homemade flame-thrower.


Locals loving it
Fellow Canadian Mike P

A night at my favourite bar!!  Rose Bar which is the best on Thursdays due to the after work crowd meaning the night starts at 8pm and ends at 1am.  Not the standard bar time in Buenos Aires, but just perfect for me.

Vane and Nati in a blown out photo

2nd Anniversary and going strong

Multiple uses
What a great 5 1/2 months in Argentina from Dec 2013 to end of May 2014.  Tonnes of new friends and new experiences, plus a new level of spanish (at least I think so).  

Thanks to Nati, Ana, Adolfo, Julian, Sole, Martin, Emiliano and Luli for all help and guidance this year.  See ya in November.

And that's all for 2013/ 2014 in Argentina.  What kind of Canadian leaves 2 litres of beer behind in his fridge??